What To Do on a Rainy Sunday

Depending on where you are in the world right now, there’s a possibility that it is pouring down with rain. I’m currently curled up on my bed with a huge woolly cardigan on, listening to the incessant drizzling of the rain outside my window. Here are my ideas for things to do on a Sunday so rainy you don’t wish to step foot outside your front door if your life depends on it.

  • Read that book that you’ve been meaning to read forever. The one that you’ve had for about six years and keeps getting pushed to the back of the shelf in favour of newer, shinier books. Pick up that one book and sit down and read it. For me, a few of those books include Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro, The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly and The Testament of Gideon Mack by James Robertson.
  • Bake! If you never feel as though you have the time to bake, then a day of nasty weather is the perfect time to prove yourself wrong. Go all out and make a dark chocolate Guinness cake with Baileys buttercream icing, or play it safe with some cheesy courgette breakfast muffins.
  • Clear out your wardrobe. There is something so satisfying about getting rid of all the clothes that you realise you haven’t worn since you were 15, and putting them into bags labelled SELL, THROW AWAY, and CHARITY SHOP. If you’re anything like me these bags will sit untouched for many months. So if you’ve already done this, today is the day to put those plans in motion. List the nice clothes on eBay and throw the ragged ones in the bin. It’s obviously too rainy to take the clothes all the way to the charity shop, so place the bags in a place where you’ll see them next time you head out, or if you’re feeling really brave, run and put them in the car.


(Disclaimer: Amazon links to this post are to my Amazon Associates account so if people buy the books I may eventually make some money to spend on Amazon. I will probably use this money to buy more books.)

What’s your favourite thing to do on a rainy Sunday?

6 thoughts on “What To Do on a Rainy Sunday

  1. All of the above, especially the reading. I’d also add an at-home facial to the mix. If your going to stay at home may as well pamper your skin. Plus it can be done while you do all the other things.

  2. I had a sunny Sunday–and still spent a good portion of it with a book, just on the deck with a lounge chair instead of curled up inside with a blanket :) I liked the Book of Lost Things, enjoyable read. And my rainy days usually involve a dose of baking–and enjoying the results with a mug of hot drink!

    • To be fair, reading is a good way to spend any day off, whatever the weather is like! Hot drinks are essential on rainy days.

  3. I love this list, there’s very little better than being curled up in a blanket with a good book when it’s raining and cold outside! Baking is pretty up there too though, I’ve got a huge list of recipes to try. I’d like to add journalling, writing letters, doing your nails, doing a good strength workout and napping :)

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